Monday, November 7, 2011

Life got in the way.

Well, maybe the title is a little white lie.  Life didn't necessarily get in the way of my blogging, vacation did.

I know, I know, I was on vacation again.  Trust me, I know how ridiculous this is!  Reality will hit me soon and hard enough come December, so for now, I am going to enjoy the vacation(s).

I was very prepared for my trip to Vietnam and Cambodia when it came to blogging.  I had blogs ready to go and scheduled to post, and I didn't miss a beat.  This last trip- ultimate fail.

Heather and Ann Palmer spent the last two weeks in Thailand with me, and it was absolutely fantastic!  And there was absolutely no blogging.  I am now back in Khon Kaen for my last two weeks, and I'm cracking down and blogging.

You can look forward to posts about Vietnam (stolen bags and scuba diving), Cambodia (flooding and Angkor Wat), and Heather and Ann's trip (ohhh.... there is just so much to talk about!).

So, stay tuned for many exciting posts, and some less exciting posts.  Just get excited because I am posting again!  I'm pretty happy to be back.

Here is a teaser photo from Angkor Wat...


  1. If sunglasses are cheap in Thailand, buy yourself a pair and put them on Dad's credit card. Those sunglasses are toooooooooo big. If sunglasses are expensive, buy them anyway. That's how tooooo big those glasses are.

  2. Reality will hit you in December? Well, you have two family vacations starting in December! Phoenix for Kelly's wedding and then January to Maryland for the Garvey party and then a caribbean cruise. Maybe reality will strike sometime in February? Enjoy your fun deserve it.


