Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just What I Needed!

Everything has been bugging me.  My headphones won't stay in my ears.  The wind blows my hair everywhere.  As soon as I do the dishes my hands are completely dried out.  I reapply lotion, and then I have gross lotion-y hands.  My nose keeps running.  Erin has been sniffling.  Erin's new backpack is still sitting on the dining room table.  Erin didn't do her dishes last night.

Oh, I could go on.

But, the point is, everything under the sun is bugging me.  Heck, even the sun is bugging me.  Whether it's too sunny or it isn't sunny enough, it's bugging me.  But, I am aware that I am the problem.  A sunny day?  Having to put lotion on my hands?  Come on, I'm the problem here.

I have spent way too much time in front of my computer looking for a new website I haven't already scoured for jobs.  I have spent way too much time in a small apartment.  I have spent way too much time not having adult conversations and interactions.  And, I have spent way too much time with my sister.

The phone call I just received was exactly what I needed!

Last week I went to a job interview, thanks to Uncle Bill.  The owner of the company was more than kind and told me that things are a bit slow at the moment, but he would be in touch with me towards the end of the month for some part-time opportunities.  I was thrilled!

About forty- five minutes ago, he called me, and surprise!  He needs me tomorrow!  Woo hoo!

Tomorrow morning at 8 am I have a place to be!  I have something to do!  And the icing on the cake.... I am going to make money!

Just what I needed.

Oh, and while we were on the telephone, he said he received my thank- you note, it was very kind, and he appreciated it.  A handwritten thank- you note works magic!


  1. Yahoo yahoo! Oh what a wonderful to do!

  2. Oops--in my last post I got the day confused (I'm just back from San Fran today so that happens!) How was the new job???
