Friday, March 9, 2012

Oh, the telephone!

When posting my photos from my weekends with Heather and bachelorette-ing, I completely neglected my telephone!  Oh, how quickly I forget about my amazing camera phone.  Yes, Meaghan, it is 2012.  You have a camera on your telephone, and you use it.

Without further ado, here are the forgotten photos.

A typical photo in Times Square.

A man on the subway doing something I would never do... Leaning on the door!  Breaking the rules and completely disregarding the signs saying "Do not lean against doors."

My mother strongly dislikes the phrase "love means never having to say, 'I'm sorry.'"  So, I found this billboard to be especially funny.

Both of us on The High Line.

A forbidden photo inside the theater.  We were sitting next to Exit 15 and Exit 16... oh, Saratoga.

Heather couldn't leave without a NYC hot dog!

During the weekend Heather and I bonded over our pet peeve of people not taking the stitch out of  pleats and slits.  This woman had a jacket filled with pleats... and the stitches!

Fast forward to Virginia...

Humongous Saturday morning mimosas!

The prizes that Nicole had for the bachelorette party.


  1. Isn't that Erin's jacket that you (and then Heather) are wearing?

  2. Yes. Guilty as charged. That was the jacket I referenced in the post about Heather's visit. Heather said I looked awesome.

  3. I think it is safe to say we both looked quite fabulous in it, she is lucky it didn't come back to DC with me :) Love all the pictures, I forgot about some of them!
