Work, work, and more work.
I work at school. I work after school. I work weekends. I work evenings. Lately, I do a whole lotta working.
At the end of the session I created a DVD for all of the students. It was a twenty minute video filled with adorable photos from our weeks together. I have tried time and time again to load the video onto the blog, but no luck. So, I have to go old school and stick to the photographs.
The photos are:
1. Spray paint t- shirt day
2. Chocolate chip cookie day
3. Pun Pun being silly
4. Aun Aun with her pop- up father's day card
5. 4th of July barbeque day
6. Pun Pun wearing T. Paul's helmet
7. T. Meaghan and Aun Aun
8. The three 5th graders after their skit
What's with the plastic bag over the artificial flower arrangement? Is that like putting plastic on the furniture?
Good question. This house is bizarre.... nothing seems to make sense. Just wait for the video tour, you will have a much better idea.