Sunday, January 8, 2012

“Meaghan will do enough blogging for the both of us!”

When Kiki came to visit us the day after Christmas, things for NYC were quickly being put in motion.  Erin had decided she was going to move (no matter what!), I had agreed to go with her, and we were in the process of figuring out high school and apartments.
Just as Kiki was getting ready to leave and saying her goodbyes she said, “so, Erin, are you going to have a blog of your own all about your time in New York?”  Erin grinned, chuckled quietly, glanced at me and said, “I think Meaghan will do enough blogging for the both of us!”  Well put, Erin.  Well put.  
And, I will do enough blogging for the two of us, but Erin didn’t get off that easily.  Erin will be taking classes online and dancing in the afternoons, but she will have a lot of down time.  I told her yesterday, that since I am her keeper, she has to follow my rules.  Mooowahhahahaha! (that was my evil laugh)  I don’t have any intentions to make outrageous rules, but we will see as we go.  The one rule I have made for her, involves this little blog right here.  Erin will be a guest blogger!
I have told Erin that she will be required to write for this blog twice a month.  She quickly agreed to the deal, and then asked, “ wait... what do I have to write about?”  I explained that she can write about whatever she pleases.  Mostly, I assume she will write about her experiences in NYC, but that can include  the big and the small.  I told her she can write about dance, online high school, living with her terrible sister, figuring out what to eat without a mom and dad, basically anything that she desires.  But, I also told her that I will be more than happy to help and give her topics if she so chooses.
So, while I will be doing the majority of the blogging around here, you can look forward to Erin’s occasional cameos.  After all, she is the reason I get to move to the big bad city! 

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