Friday, January 6, 2012

The Slideshow Saga

Well, it isn't exactly a saga, but I liked the alliteration.  And "The Slideshow Story..." oh wait, that would have worked.  Either way, I'm not changing the title, and I'm going to tell you the tale.

For months I have been thinking about what to do with my tens of thousands of photos from the last two years.  Quite a few have made it on to facebook, but I wanted something more monumental.  Eventually I will make myself a photo book, but I still wanted more.  So, naturally, I thought of a slideshow.  I do love slideshows, but I especially love iMovie.  It is Ah- May- Zing!

But, I have made my fair share of typical iMovie slideshows.  They all use the same 5 songs, the same transitions, and the same 3 seconds per slide.  It becomes boring.  And, to spend a full three seconds on each slide would take four- eh- ver!

Then, I found a song.  For some reason, I started listening to Bibio's album, Ambivalence Avenue (if you haven't listened to it, I highly recommend it).  One song, "Lovers' Carvings," really struck a chord with me.  I knew I wanted it to be in my slideshow.

My vision for the slideshow grew.  What if I could make the slides change in time with the music?  What if I could consolidate my photos to only a few songs?  What if I could consolidate my photos to only one song?  And so it began, my crusade to create a slideshow of two years in a single four minute song.

So, without further ado- because I am so darn excited to share it!- my slideshow of two years, cut down to 276 photos in 4 minutes.  Watch closely... it's fast!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH. omygosh. It makes me smile!!! but i kind of want to cry too...must. call. you.
