Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nerves and Insomnia

I was planning on finding an apartment online.  Then, a very good friend of mine told me that was a terrible idea.  I completely agree with him.  So now, my dad and I are going to take a trip out to Madison for a few days at the end of the month.  But, apartment hunting is still stressful.  I'm searching online and feeling a little overwhelmed and underprepared.  And, should my dad really be spending his last few days in the States with me in Madison?  I'm not so sure...

Then, there is the car shopping.  Do I get a car close to Saratoga?  Or start fresh out in Madison?  And honestly, what car do I get?

How about furniture?  There is some extra stuff at my parents' house, but I completely forgot to look at it last weekend.  And how will I get it out to Madison?  I need to start pricing moving options... renting a UHaul, putting it on a truck, shipping the little things.... there are so many to choose from!

I have to change my address.  But, this has to remain at the end of my list, and hovering over me, until I actually have a new address.

What about money?  I have a job, but I won't start until July 2.  And, I will finish working in the city on May 18th.  That's a long time without an income.  And my savings, well, we aren't going to think about that right now...

Driving out to Madison, where will I stay?  I need to find a dog- friendly hotel along the way.  Oh, Wilbur and I are going to have a quite a fun drive together.  I should start making a playlist for the car.  Shoot.  I need to get a car charger for my telephone!  The last thing I want to worry about is my telephone dying while I am all alone on the road.

No wonder I can't sleep.

It's 2 am, and I am wide awake.  All I want to do is go for a run tomorrow morning before I head to the bakery, but at this rate, I'm not so sure that will happen.

But, I will tell you that I am planning to run a half marathon on July 14 in Wisconsin.  Now that I have put it out there, I will be held accountable.  Hopefully I will be able to sleep now and start training bright and early tomorrow!


  1. The only thing more stressful than being you right now, is being your mother. I have to worry about your apartment and your car and your savings and your long drive out there alone AND your brother's apartment and your brother's car and your brother's savings and your brother's long drive alone. Phew!!! Call me when you can't sleep...I'll probably be awake too.

  2. Your move from Thailand had to be far more stressful than moving w/in the US.Refresh your memory with that blog. I don't recommend trailering. Why not check out basic furniture needs in Madison's Craigslist?AAA can customize a route and dog-friendly motels for you when you don't have a friend(of a friend) to stay with.Get used to your $ and car concerns; they're basically lifelong as are your parents worries about you and your sibs.

  3. Meaghan! I only can offer one piece of advice (after moving to a new state - although Los Angeles is closer to Phx than Madison is to Saratoga...)... buy your car in Madison, that way, you can get your registration, insurance, and license plate all there in one magic swoop -- you'd only need to go to the dreaded DMV when you're ready to get your new license for WI (and you can only do that when you have an address...) Good luck!
