Monday, August 6, 2012

My Carless Life

No, not my careless life, my carless life.

My mom and sister stole my car.

They flew into Chicago, forced me to drive over three hours to pick them up, let their suitcases vomit their belongings all over my apartment, and then left with my car.

This has been planned for a long time, but oh my goodness, these have been some long days. 

My mom and sister took my car to drive to Jackson, WY.  Two ladies on the road in a sexy convertible...  Am I jealous?  Absolutely.  Am I excited for them to come back to Madison?  You know it!

The only issue right now is the silly bus schedule.

There is a direct bus that goes from Capitol Square to my office, but its schedule is quite limited.  With class all last week, I had to be on the 6:10 bus every morning.  As a shout out to my time in Thailand, I will say that it was "supahh suppah early!" 

For five days I was at work from 6:49 am until 5:37 pm.  This really means that I was out of my apartment from 5:45 am until 6:45 pm.  They were very, very long days.  My poor puppy has not been happy with me.  I was used to waking up at the crack of dawn to take him for a long walk before I left for work.  But, this past week I was waking up at the crack of dawn just to catch the bus, and the long walks were saved for after work.

I got a lot done at work, but I have felt trapped.  Even yesterday, Saturday, I wanted to go into the office for a few hours to finish a project, but I couldn't.  I was on a roll Friday evening, but I had to leave it to catch the bus.  When I arrived home, I realized my internet wasn't working.  And so I was stranded.  No internet, no chance to finish my project, and no car to run errands left me with lots of time for walking with the pup.

Wilbur and I spent the entire weekend together.  We walked, played, tried to learn new tricks, did laundry and broke the iron.  Well, Wilbur only participated in the tricks, playing and walking, but he was close by for the rest of the thrilling weekend.

I felt a bit trapped this week, but I know this next week will be much better.  Without class at 8 am, I can take the 7:40 bus.  That gives me more than enough time to go for a walk in the morning and take my time getting to the square.  It also gives me the opportunity to get to work after 8 am and not have to worry about a parking space!

The bus schedule may not be perfect for my 8am mornings, but so many things about taking the bus are wonderful!  I love that I can read on my way to work.  I love that I don't have to think about parking.  I love that I don't have to worry about traffic.  And gosh, I love how inexpensive it is!

I will love having my car back, but I'm not giving up this whole bus thing yet.  I'm a mass transit lover, and so far Madison's is just fine with me.

Garvey, think of all the gas I'm saving!  And I didn't buy a Prius to do it!  Aren't you proud?

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