Sunday, June 3, 2012

Another great day in Saratoga

Last night I went out to a friend's camp in Galway, a town just west of Saratoga.  It was a small group of friends from high school.  The house sits on a small lake, and although we didn't partake in any lake activities, the view was gorgeous.  We spent a great night drinking beer, catching up and laughing.  There was a lot of laughing.

Liz in her "camp attire."

This morning we all went our separate ways, but not before I was invited to the kickball game later that afternoon about a hundred times.  I didn't commit, but knew I would probably end up there.  I went home, attempted to get my affairs in order for the coming week, and then I hit the gym.  I swung by home, picked up Wilbur, and we headed to the park.  When we arrived, what I saw was perfectly Saratoga.  And exactly what I love about this town.

The team, New Kicks On The Block, had an iPod blaring music over the kickball field.  There were parents, family members, friends, significant others and dogs of the players littering the sideline.  There were coolers of beer, coolers of water, and orange slices.  And the field was filled with many of my very good friends from high school.  Everyone was very excited when I arrived, but unfortunately I was late.  Somehow I received incorrect information, and arrived thirty minutes late... whoops!  I still watched them keep their undefeated record and crush the other team.  After the game finished, they quickly put together another pick up game while I chatted on the sidelines.

After a quick clean up, we all jumped in our cars to head downtown.  The kickball league is sponsored by Peabody's Sports Bar, so of course we had to head there.  The players, significant others and dogs tagged along for more beer and discounted appetizers.  We took over the outdoor patio area as the sun dried the puddles from the brief rain storm.

It was wonderful to be sitting in Saratoga with friends, old and new, just hanging out.  One of my friends came over and asked, "you know, you don't have to hate Saratoga so much."  I looked at him and was completely baffled.

"What do you mean?  Hate Saratoga?!"
"You just keep moving away!  But this town isn't as bad as you think it is."
"Are you kidding me?!  I love Saratoga!  I adore Saratoga!  Yes, I have to move for my job, but I'll come back.  I WILL come back.  This place is awesome!"

I'm not sure what signals I had or have been giving to make him think that I hate Saratoga, but let me clear the air.  I love Saratoga!  And this day was the perfect example.  I'm going to miss having so many friends around.  I'm going to miss the chance to be on a team with some of my very best friends for the past 10 years.  I'm going to miss downtown.  I'm moving to Madison, but that is not because I hate Saratoga!  It isn't even because I dislike Saratoga!  I'm moving to Madison for a job.  End of story. I have every intention to come back to Saratoga.  It may be three years from now, or it may be thirteen years from now, but it will happen.  I will be back.  This town is great.

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