Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Training: Week Five

9 miles on Sunday

(I didn't have as much fun as Phoebe)

Irritating pain in my left knee around mile 7

A very well-deserved shower

And another throwback photo

Flashlights up the nose? Classic.

I'm still training for my half-marathon, and still raising money for Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. I'm hoping to raise $2,700 by October 15 and $3,700 by December 2. Help a sister out?

Click here.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bachelor Number 2

Welcome back to The Dating Game!

In case you missed the first post in this series, Bachelor #1 was less than impressive. That sums that up. Moving right along...

Bachelor #2: The Musician

After three weeks of OkCupid messages, I bit the bullet and asked Ken if he would like to meet me for drinks. (Side note: when I told this story to Stephen, Maureen, John, and Jane, John smacked my hand when he heard I asked a boy out.) Ken accepted my invitation, and at my suggestion, we met at The Coopers Tavern, a bustling beer place on the square. I had never been to Coopers before, but when I arrived thirty minutes early, I was pleasantly surprised by the ambiance and please I had taken my office mate's recommendation 

I sat at the bar, ordered a beer and immediately eyed a very attractive man sitting kitty-corner from me. He wasn't the person I was meeting, but I couldn't help think that I wouldn't mind being stood up.

Fifteen minutes after our scheduled meeting time (which he had pushed back by an hour earlier in the day) I was still sitting at the bar, nursing my beer. I begrudgingly took out my telephone and as though it was magic, received a text message. Ken wrote: "I'm here. Where r u?"

The text speak made my hair stand on end. The fact that he didn't see the girl he was looking for, the girl who was sitting directly in front of the door looking exactly like her photo made me want to walk out (or scoot closer to cute kitty-corner boy). And the fact that he was 15 minutes late, well, we won't go there. I responded to the message: "I'm sitting at the bar- close to the front door."

Ken The Musician came from the back room and sat down in the empty chair next to me. My heart sank. His photos online must have been some strain of glamour shots, or of his extremely attractive twin brother, because he didn't look nearly as handsome in real life. Ken ordered a beer and the chatter began. As it turns out, he doesn't have a European accent. He wasn't born in some far off land of amazing accents and stories, he was born in small town Wisconsin. Online lie #1. When I asked where he was born and heard his response I said, "hmmm, that isn't in Europe" and I finished my beer.

To keep the conversation rolling, and to give the Online Liar another chance, I asked what type of music he taught at the university. I told him that I had taken piano lessons for fun in college, and absolutely loved it. His response was, again, less than impressive. "Well, technically I don't teach at the university. I am a substitute accompanist for the ballet classes. They only need me once or maybe twice a semester. Sometimes I teach kids too. Oh, and I go to Nashville a lot to play gigs." Online lie #2.

For some crazy reason I decided to give this boy one more chance. I asked Ken where he saw his career in five years. When he told me he had no desire to accomplish any more than he already had, I was ready to walk out. A liar without any dreams or goals? No, thank you. I didn't immediately jump up from my chair, giving Ken enough time to ask me about NYC. I had recently received a call from Phillipe asking me to return for fall fashion week, at the models' request, so I told him about my time working with the models. I told him that I was responsible for chauffeuring very famous Chinese models around. I told him "I know nothing about fashion, so I was shocked to find out how influential these women are in fashion!" Ken gave me the side eye, interrupted me, and in a quite accusatory tone said, "you aren't into fashion? Really? That's not what it looks like."

Oh no you dih-int!

You did not just accuse me of being fashionable and make it out to be a bad thing! I will take that as a compliment, and I will be on my way, sir.  

I glanced at my watch, realizing that being in bed would be far more productive and enjoyable than this conversation. It didn't take long for the evening to wrap up, although Ken The Lying Musician couldn't seem to take the hint of my clock-watching. I think he finally understood when I said, "gosh, look at the time! I have a very early morning tomorrow, I should really be heading home." 

We walked out of Coopers and I took a left toward my car. When we hit the corner I thanked Ken for the drink, kept my arms crossed, and crossed the street. I got into the car knowing that I would need to go back to Coopers, but not with Ken. I also knew that the feeling was mutual, and there would be no second date.

Three days later I received a text:
"It was really great to meet you. I enjoyed our time together. Would you like to go out again next week?"

What? Heck no! Were you not on that date?! It was terrible!

Side eye. {source}

My response:
"Thank you so much for taking me out, it was nice to meet you as well. Unfortunately, I didn't feel the connection that I was hoping for. I don't want to lead you on by going out again."


There are highs and there are lows

I may have upset a few people with my post about making friends. One person, who will remain nameless, called me for clarification. The post upset her for a few reasons. It made her sad to think that I was struggling with making friends. The post also resonated with her, and her current situation in a new place, trying to make friends. The post must have come off more sad than I had intended.

Yes, I am trying very hard to make friends in this area. And no, it isn't easy in any way, shape or form. But, I am doing my best to enjoy the ride.

With that said, I will admit that there are highs and lows. The past two weeks, in general, have been really great. I have been very busy with work and various social commitments. This weekend I was excited at the prospect of laundry, cleaning, yoga, and studying. Sure enough, Saturday afternoon rolled around and I found myself sitting in the parking lot of Bed Bath & Beyond in tears. I received this email from my mom:

The tears that had slowly been filling up my eyes during the week spilled right over the edge and onto my cheeks in the parking lot.

I intended for this post to have a much happier tone than the last, but unfortunately, today isn't one of the highs. I have had plenty of highs since moving to Madison, but today isn't one of those days. I want a hug. I think I'll have to settle for making cookies to mail to someone, in hopes of making his or her day a high.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Training: Week Three

I have nearly finished with three weeks of half marathon training! 

Last Sunday I went on a 6 1/2 mile run followed by a trip to Movin' Shoes for new Mizunos. 

The woman at the store asked me about running, my experience with Mizunos, and watched me walk. She brought out Adidas, Aasics, New Balances and Mizunos. I tried on all four pairs, jogged around the store and left with Mizunos. They are just too wonderful to get away from!

Not too shabby, right? {source}

Thursday evening I went out for three miles in my new sneaks, and it turned my entire day around. The shoes are amazing, and they make running better.

So far I have only converted my mother to the world of Mizuno, but the more the merrier!

Here is this week's half marathon throwback photo:

Me, Heather, Garvey and Katie from back in the day
Don't forget to check out my half marathon website and donate to CCFA! Thanks for everyone that has supported so far. I have raised over $700 already! I have to recommit on October 15, and my goal is to have $2500 by that date. Any little bit helps! $2 per mile? Only $26.20!

Later this weekend I will be giving you updates about more OKCupid dates. There have been three so far, and each has its own quirks and shenanigans. Stay tuned... 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How do adults make friends?

I'm trying really, really hard, but at the end of the day, I'm all alone.

Moving to a new city is very challenging.  I don't have any friends.  I have been through more emotional highs and lows than one would experience on a roller coaster.

Last week was great!  I was very busy.  I had rowing in the mornings, an ice cream date with coworkers, trivia night, and an online dating date

I was thrilled for the long weekend and the prospect of sleeping in and relaxing.  Saturday morning I rowed, took Wilbur for a long walk and then treated myself to a Groupon pedicure.  Immediately after my pedicure I went to buy myself speakers for my apartment.  Unfortunately, I walked into Old Navy first.  There were tons of sales going on (and a very attractive employee encouraging me to try on more items) and I got a little carried away.  Needless to say, I am still using my computer speakers to listen to music, but I am rockin' a great new top right now.

After my little shopping spree I headed to Capitol Square to work at Taste of Madison.  I was volunteering with the Jaycees at one of the beer tents.  I had researched the group at my mother's recommendation and signed up for the first activity I could.  I showed up to the beer tent in an awesome new pair of pants ready to serve some beer, enjoy the vocal stylings of Mr. Kix Brooks of Brooks and Dunn, and meet some new friends. 

Four hours later I had a minor crush on a repeat beer buyer with a perfect smile, and plans for an evening out with the Jaycees.  We traveled in a pack to a nearby brew pub for cheese curds and beer before going to the one and only nightclub in town, if you could even call it that.  I walked home a little after midnight to find Wilbur sleeping on my bed.  His plan for me to come home too late and too inebriated to notice was a failure, and he was immediately scolded and sent to his own bed.

The next morning I pried the pup out of his bed and for a walk so I could report to half marathon training before 9 am.  I ran my prescribed 4 miles and hung around for a while after the run in hopes of sparking an amazing friendship with one of my fellow trainees.  I was home before 11 am without any new BFFs. 

Wilbur and I took another walk, sans headphones and sunglasses, with the intention of locking eyes with anyone awesome and starting a great conversation, and naturally, a lifelong friendship.

We were home within an hour.

I vacuumed my apartment, cleaned my bathroom and kitchen, listened to music from my telephone horn and eventually got ready for the Day Before Labor Day Barbecue I was invited to.

An iPhone horn.  It only costs about $5 and it is really awesome.  If you can't control your spending at Old Navy and therefore don't buy yourself real speakers, I highly recommend this.  It's also really great for using in the bathroom when you take a shower. 

With the top down and my passenger seat empty I sang my heart out all the way to the middle of nowhere for the barbecue.  I brought my standard brownies and impressed the crowd with my Wisconsin beer.  Beer chicken, buffalo dip, tomato mozzarella salad, and many conversations later, I drove home.

Monday morning I was ecstatic to wake up, see the clock read 6:04 am and turn over.  After 10 am I jumped out of bed with the excitement of a child on Christmas morning.  With nothing on the agenda and an amazing night of sleep under my belt, the day was destined for greatness.  Wilbur and I walked the long way to the dog park.  No amazing connections were made on the way there, but the small pack of humans at the park looked promising. 

While awkwardly standing and watching our dogs sniff each other's butts, we humans laughed and made small talk.  My phone buzzed in my pocket.  A text message.

Heather sent a mass text that her surgery was scheduled. 

I hadn't finished reading when the only person that regularly calls me started flashing across my screen.

"Hi, Mom."

I clipped the leash to Wilbur and we left the park. 

After my mom accompanied me on my walk home and asked me more questions about Heather's surgery than I could answer, I was back in my air conditioned apartment and all alone again. 

I spoke to Heather just last week and she told me surgery was the next step, but having a date scheduled made it real.  My heart hurt.  My heart hurt for Heather.  I wanted a distraction from my racing head and hurting heart, but I didn't have one.  My day was open, and I was all alone in Madison.  I am always alone in Madison.

So this is where I ask for audience participation!  How is an adult to make friends in a new city?  I have been trying all sorts of things and I still haven't found that person or those people, so any advice will be welcomed with open arms.  How am I to make friends?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Half Marathon

One thing on my list of 25 things to accomplish before I turned 25 was running a half marathon.  Well, I did it.  I didn't do it well, and I did it a month after I turned 25, but I did it.  Before I turned 25, however, I committed to running a second half marathon.  This December I will be running a half marathon in Las Vegas.

One of my very best friends, Heather Palmer, asked me to run the race with her.  The half marathon is part of the Rock n Roll series and will raise money to support Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, a cause very near and dear to Heather's heart, and now mine.

Heather and I were best friends before we even had a choice!

In 2003 Heather was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.  At the time I knew nothing about the disease.  Over the years I have seen Heather endure flare up after flare up and her medications become stronger and stronger.  Just this afternoon she told me that it is official, she will be undergoing surgery for the disease next month.

Last month her younger sister Cici was also diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

When I agreed to run this race and raise money I was doing it to help a good cause.  I know how much the organization means to Heather and I wanted to be there to support her.  In just three months since I agreed to run, the race means so much more to me now.

Last week I started training for the race with the Madison team.  I wish I was able to train with Heather and her team, but texting her after my runs will have to suffice.  Together we will run in Las Vegas rocking matching outfits, as we have done for as long as we can remember.

Denim dresses: one of our matching outfits over the years.  We'll be bringing back the trend for the race.

If you feel so inclined, visit my fundraising page and donate to CCFA.  All donations will be greatly appreciated.

Last November in Thailand.

An orchid garden in Thailand