Monday, November 26, 2012

Less than a week!

My race is on Sunday! My race is on Sunday! My race is on Sunday!

Only six days from now I will be running a half marathon down the Las Vegas strip surrounded by tens of thousands of people including one of my very best friends, Heather.

We are still in the process of planning our matching outfits for the race, so maybe this photo will give us some inspiration.

Through the end of the year I will continue to raise money for CCFA.

Huge news on the fundraising front: Ellie was kind enough to donate a quilt for me to raffle off for CCFA!

You can purchase one ticket for $5 or five tickets for $20! Simply go to my fundraising website, make a donation for the tickets and write "Amazing Quilt Raffle" in the comment section.

I will draw the winner on Sunday, December 2, the day of the race, and ship the quilt to you next week!

As of this minute I have sold a total of six raffle tickets, so the odds are looking pretty good.

**I will post the exact measurements of the quilt later this evening.**

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm a Lucky Girl

I could sit for hours and list all of the things I am thankful for, because there are a lot. But while I spent Thanksgiving in Iowa City with one of my best friends and her family, I realized what I am most thankful for (after my Christmas Pandora station). I am thankful for my loving family and amazing friends I have around the country and the world.

This answer feels like a "duh" answer, but there is so much more to it.

Three years ago I spent Thanksgiving in Thailand, probably eating pad Thai, with one of my best friends. Two years ago I spent Thanksgiving with absolutely wonderful people eating tacos in Khon Kaen. Both years I was surrounded by great friends, most of which I am in contact with on a regular basis.

Last year I spent my Thanksgiving in New Zealand. Oh what I would give to be in Paekakariki again... For Thanksgiving I was spending time with new friends and catching up with family members that I hadn't seen in years, all while eating delicious food.

This year I was in Iowa City with another wonderful group of people. When I moved to Madison in June, Cait invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Actually, now that I think about it, I may have invited myself, but either way, I knew I would be in Iowa City.

Cait's family welcomed me into their home, fed me a delicious home cooked meal on Wednesday and reminded me of the wonderful times that are to be had around the dinner table. While I watched her brothers pick on each other, and then Cait, and then all three children laugh at Grammy for a ridiculous nickname she recently created, I couldn't help but laugh. I got a side cramp from laughing so hard. At the same time, I was jealous. I wanted to laugh with my family.

The next morning we all ran the Turkey Trot (minus Grammy) and came home to coffee cake and the parade. Cait and I spoke to her parents and Grammy over coffee before taking our time getting ready for dinner. In the early afternoon we walked to the house next door and joined Cait's family and friends for a Thanksgiving feast for 40.

After dinner and a tryptophan daze I asked Cait what she was thankful for this year. She said, "I'm thankful that my grandma is here." My heart hurt just a little when she said it. She then asked me the same question. I told her, "I am thankful for the wonderful friends and family I have. This is the fourth year I haven't been with my family for Thanksgiving, but I am always with amazing people. And I know that no matter where I am in the country or the world, I will have someone to spend my Thanksgiving with, and that makes me really happy. I'm lucky."

What I didn't tell Cait is that since I have lived in Madison I have been invited to five different Thanksgivings. Five different and new people in my life have been kind enough to invite me to Thanksgiving, and that is a wonderful feeling. I am thankful for that.

Yesterday I drove to Milwaukee for the afternoon to see another friend from Thailand. I was once again reminded of the great people I have in my life and the friendships I have been able to maintain throughout the years.

Next year I want to be with my parents, my siblings, and my Ellie for Thanksgiving. I want to sit around the table and laugh at jokes and memories that I know. I want to write on the Thanksgiving tablecloth. But, I also want all of my friends to be there. So without my parents' approval, I am going to put out an open invitation for everyone to come to my house for Thanksgiving next year!

Happy Thanksgiving!