Tuesday, February 28, 2012

... And I'm back.

Holy moly, that illness knocked me out!

Last Tuesday I had the pleasure of spending the day in New Jersey with little Hannah and Adelaide.  We had a great day of cookie- making (yay for owning an oven!) and monster- playing.  Unfortunately, by the time my delayed two hour commute back to the city came to a close, I felt like death.  Addie's adorable snotty nose, was less than cute on me.

And, by the next morning, I was far from the "happy wheezer" that her doctor had named her.

Yup, I think Addie got me sick.

And, this was no normal head cold.  Instead, I was knocked out cold.  It took every ounce of energy for me to walk to the kitchen and refill my water bottle.  I was so sick that I couldn't even read.  In the middle of The Hunger Games Trilogy, and I couldn't force myself to read!  My computer wasn't turned on for days.  I just couldn't bear the thought of sitting at my desk, or focusing long enough to wait for it to turn on.

I had dreams of living the crazy, single 24- year- old life while Erin was home in Saratoga, but I did far from that.  I spent the week sweating through my pajamas, hoping my fever would break and the hot flashes and chills would end.

By Sunday afternoon I was beginning to feel a bit better.  Monday I slept until noon.  But, today, I am getting back on track.  I still carry a wad of tissues with me wherever I go, but my pants don't have an elastic waistband, and I have already left the apartment today.  Yay for progress!

Oh, and in my week of illness, I lost 10 pounds, so I guess that's a plus.  I was hoping to drop a few ell- bees before the wedding!

More posts to come soon.  But sorry, Stephen, this is as gross and gruesome as it gets!


  1. Did you get to see How to Succeed before disease struck you down?

  2. I am so sorry that Addie got you sick but I'm happy it helped you with your wedding look. Hannalaide had so much fun with you and I hope that doesn't deter you from returning to the Jerz. Our happy wheezer is still coughing but never got your fever or the other symptoms. I'm glad you are feeling better now.

  3. No Hunger Games?! Hurry and read before your lending is revoked!

  4. @Jimmy- Yes, we saw How to Succeed! And a post will come shortly with plenty of details!
    @Kelly- I had an awesome time with Hannalaide as well (and I love that name celebrity name)! I will definitely come back to NJ. And, sorry for blaming the illness on Addie, but she is so darn cute, I'm not even that upset with her!
    @Heather- Don't you worry, I have more than made up for my lost time with The Hunger Games. All three books: done and done.
