Thursday, February 16, 2012


I was prepared to write a post about how running helps with my blogging, but something much funnier happened, and I couldn't not write about it.

I wiped out while I was running.

While I was running really fast and thinking really hard about my blog, I fell! Okay, there I go lying again. I was thinking really hard, but I definitely wasn't running very fast. I was actually running so slowly that I tripped over a cobblestone. And there is a very good chance I was lip syncing to my pop music, but I can't imagine that is the reason I tripped. I blame the cobblestone. It was an exceptionally high and out of place cobblestone, but a cobblestone nonetheless.

As I fell, scraping both of my knees and hands, I made the most embarrassing sound possible. There was an adorable couple drinking coffee and watching as I tumbled to the ground and made a low, throaty "oowh ho ho ho ho ho!" It was a bizarre combination of an "ow!" and a chuckle, but I think I sounded more like a drugged up Santa Claus.

I knew the cute and fit couple with their warm beverages had just witnessed the entire event, so I picked my Santa butt up off the ground and kept running.

Gosh, and I thought my knee was hurting before! "Oow ho ho ho!"