Monday, February 6, 2012

The Super Bowl Top 10

I'll be honest and I say that I don't really love football.  And the only reason I tweeted about the Giants winning last night was because it was really fun to see NYC, the entire city, light up with happiness!  People were screaming, shouting, high- fiving and cheers-ing.  The streets hummed with happiness.

I spent the evening at my friends', Jen and McKenzie's, apartment.  And for the first time, I watched the entire game.  All of it.

It was a really exciting game!  And as much as we were all hoping the Giants would win, in those last 57 seconds, we were almost hoping the Patriots would pull through- simply because it was so exciting.

Okay, now that I have pretended to actually know anything about last night's game, let me get back to what I do know: the commercials.  Was anyone else completely sick of the apocalypse- like advertisements and movie trailers?  I get it, it's 2012, but please stop.  Zombies?  Vampires?  Explosions? End of the world?  No, thank you.  Puppies?  Yes, please.  So without further ado, here is one of my top 10 commercials.

The Volkswagen Commercial

I love watching the dog work out, just to chase the new bug.  Adorable.  But, why did they have to add the bizarre bar scene at the end?  I understand the cross- advertising for the re- released Star Wars, but I didn't like it.  I just like the dog.  And the music.  Oh, and his eyes remind me of Tupper when he watches the food fall on the floor.

The Hyundai Commercial

Well, done Hyundai.

The Bud Light/ Rescue Dog Commercial

Weego.  He's cute.  And, Paul was always trying to teach Malee this trick, so I like it a lot.

The Acura NSX Commercial

Jerry Seinfeld did well.  This is the extended version, so it includes a few extras that weren't played during the game.  And Jay Leno?  Holy smokes, he made a fortune for this game!  He was all over the place!  Oh, and I want zip lines all over the city.

The Toyota Camry Commercial

Reinvented?  Great idea!  The reinvented couch?  Uncomfortable, but great idea.  The reinvented DMV?  I want to go!  The reinvented rain?  I wish...

The Sketchers Commercial

Okay, another dog commercial.  But, look at his face!  So cute.  And, I just LOVE the fact that Kim Kardashian was the spokesperson for last year's Sketchers commercial, but she was replaced by a dog.  Oh, Mr. Quiggly.

The Samsung Galaxy Note Commercial

As much as I love Apple products, I do love the jabs that Samsung makes.  "This feels like detention." "I don't know what I believe in anymore."  "FREEDOM!"  "Well, that was over the top."  Yes, it was a bit over the top, but I enjoyed it.  

The Budweiser Eternal Optimism Commercial

I thought this commercial was very fun.  But, mostly it reminded me of one of my all- time favorite Britney Spears commercials for Pepsi, so that's probably why I like it so much.... Whoops.

And, I'll throw in the old school Britney commercial.  Just because this is my blog, and I love it that much.

The M&M Commercial

I am very sick of the song, but it's a little bit funny.  A naked M&M?  That's silly.  "My shell is brown.  It just looks like my milk chocolate is showing."

The "It's Halftime America" Chrysler Commercial

Very well done.  Clint Eastwood's voice was perfect, and it's the uplifting commercial that all Americans had to love.

So, there you have it.  That was my list of top 10 commercials, with an extra B- Spears thrown in just because.  For an average price of $116, 666.67 per second, or $3.5 million per 30 seconds, they weren't too shabby.   


  1. The one thing I really don't understand about the Samsung commercial is that they put a lot of emphasis on the fact that you could use a pen with the phone. Wasn't the whole point of touch screens to get rid of the stylus?

    Also, did you watch the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet? Judging by your choices of favorite ads, you would have liked that even better than the football game.

  2. I know, the pen part was weird. Who wants to use a pen? But, I liked that they were ripping on Apple.

    And, no, unfortunately I didn't catch any of the Puppy Bowl. I had no control of the remote, otherwise I'm sure I would have spent quite a bit of time on Animal Planet!
