Friday, June 1, 2012

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Happy June 1st!  Happy new month!  And happy summer!

Oh my goodness!  Where did the last 21 days go?  What have I been doing that I haven't been able to publish a single post?!  Trust me, I am wondering the same thing myself!  I have missed this little blog.

But, with a new month, a new temporary living arrangement, a new car, new furniture and a new condo (gasp!) I have been quite busy, and I have a lot to catch you up on!

I still have a handful of posts sitting in my drafts that I simply haven't had enough time to finish writing and edit, but not to worry faithful readers, you have lots of stuff coming your way!

My goal this month is to write a post every single day.  And considering June is my month of unemployment, this shouldn't be too challenging.  I just hope you won't mind if I jump around a bit.  I still haven't told you anything about The Kiwi Bergers trip to NYC!  I have to write about my sister's final performance, the Hot Blondies Bakery booth, moving home from NYC, visiting Madison, WI with my dad, and getting a condo!  Gasp!  I still can't believe I have it!

Then how about the fact that my dad is moving to Abu Dhabi?  Yeah, I have to write about that.

I'll write about Madison, furniture, cell phones, moving, baking and anything else that may come to mind. So stay tuned, because it is going to be a great month!  I can feel it...

But first how about a few little photos?

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge the last weekend I lived in NYC.

Packing up my life for Madison, WI.

The two things Madison is known for: beer and cheese curds.

Lake George: where I should be spending the rest of the month.  Mmmmm.


  1. Looks like those curds are from Great Dane...not bad, but gotta go to The Old-Fashioned. They blow those away.

    1. Well done, Stephen! Wow, you do know your cheese curds. Yes, The Old-Fashioned is on my short list of places to go!

  2. And for clarification- because my mother needs it- for good luck, you are supposed to say "rabbit rabbit rabbit" on the first of every month.
