Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I crafted.  That’s what Cait calls it.
Living in Thailand has only made me realize how very strange I am.  I thought everyone “crafted.”  I thought it was normal for all high school seniors to spend hours in the basement “crafting” awesome outfits. 

 {cringing at the awkward high school photo}

There were the homecoming crowns for rowing...

Then, Disney Princess outfits for rowing... (I'm the little mermaid)

The Lakers jerseys...

The superhero costumes for Halloween...

When Beer Olympics rolled around last December, I thought it was very normal to craft a score board.  Cait has informed me otherwise.

Well, maybe I’m not normal, but I do love to craft.  We are having round two of beer olympics this Saturday for Paul’s birthday.  This time, instead of having partners, we are having two teams: Battle of the Sexes.  Naturally, I had to make t-shirts for everyone!  So, sixteen t-shirts, and ten spray paint- stained fingers and toes later, here are the shirts!

Now, I’m off to craft the scoreboard!

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