Friday, April 6, 2012

I don't need culinary school?

When I moved to New York I was looking for jobs here, there and everywhere. One of the websites I spent a lot of time perusing was, thanks to Amanda's recommendation.  In only a few weeks I was able to score myself two interviews.

The first interview I went to was for a brand new internet startup.  The interview went very well and I was quite interested in what they were doing.  My job, as an intern, would involve just about everything. But, after speaking of my experience with blogging, albeit limited, was enough for them to want me.  The owner hired me on the spot and told me he could offer me $50 a day.  I thanked him and left to wait for his email telling me when to start.

The very next day I went to Hot Blondies Bakery to interview for an intern position as well.  As soon as I walked in, I knew it was a place I wanted to be.  Both of the owners, and the blondies of Hot Blondies, were kind, laid back and awesome.  They told me that they were done hiring interns, but when they saw my resume and read my brief story of buying an oven in Thailand to bake, they knew they had to bring me in.  The two also hired me on the spot as an intern.  They would be unable to pay.  I accepted the position immediately.

My mom wasn't exactly thrilled when I informed her that I would be turning down the paid internship for the unpaid one, but I had my reasons.  I was willing to give up the $50 bucks a day to do something that I could really learn from.  I knew that working at the bakery would be the perfect place for me, and in a lot of ways, I was right!

I get to spend every day there doing what I love.  I bake all the time!  I run errands, make deliveries, package items and I even made a spreadsheet, but mostly, I bake.  I can't tell you how many times I have called Bri just to tell her how much I love working there.  I just keep saying, "the more time I spend at Hot Blondies, the more I love baking!  All I want is my own place."

I work at HBB with a handful of other interns, with a handful of different backgrounds.  One girl is a substitute teacher without too many teaching gigs.  And one girl recently graduated from a pastry program at a culinary school in the city.  When I heard that, I sucked in my gut, put my shoulders back, and tried my best to look like I knew what I was doing.

What I have learned from her is this: there isn't a better way to crack eggs than how I do now, there isn't a special way to melt butter or chocolate, there isn't a special technique for stirring or blending mixes and there isn't a trick for tinning batter.  I am just as capable, if not more capable, than she is at working in the bakery's kitchen!

About a year ago Paul and I were talking about my future bakery.  I told him that I was considering pastry school, but I was concerned with its price tag.  He looked at me like I was crazy.  Then he said, "Meaghan, are you kidding me?  You don't need pastry school!  I don't care if you have a degree in desserts or not.  If the things you make taste good, then I'll come to your bakery and buy stuff."

After working at HBB I have realized that this is completely true!  Neither of the owners went to pastry school or have "degrees in desserts," but they make delicious stuff, and people buy it!  Now, that is me.  I work in their kitchen, and I help to make delicious stuff, without a dessert degree.

So, even though I am headed out of town for the wedding, go and order yourself some delicious and degree-free treats!  There are Easter specials right now!  Go.  Order.  I'll be back to baking next week.

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