Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And another one gets crossed off the list!

I get to cross another one off The List!  On our first day in the city I told Erin I had a little surprise for her.  I think I got her hopes up by saying that, but I was really counting on her to like it more than she actually did.
Okay, we went to the New York Public Library!
I have walked past it at least fifty times, but I had never been inside.  And better yet, I didn’t have a library card.  And now, now, I do.  
Before we left for the city my mom reminded me of how excited Erin was to get her first library card in Saratoga.  It was one of my mom’s little tricks to make the move to Saratoga sound exciting.  More and more of these tricks are surfacing as I age...

While I knew I didn’t need to coax Erin to be excited for the move to the city, I thought she would enjoy it!  Honestly, I did.  

When she figured out what I had up my sleeve on the subway, let’s just say she was less than thrilled.  Then, when we looked like tourists, and not locals, while in search of the library card station, I thought she was going to lose it.  And to top it all off, I made her take photos to document the experience.  And of course, my camera accidentally flashed in the reading room.  Mortifying.  

She's really good at pretending to look happy.

Here I am, in NYC, acting just like my mother, and completely embarrassing my 15- year- old sister.  But, I checked another one off The List!  Erin is now reading a book, has visited three different branches, and she is proudly displaying her NYPL card on her keychain.  I’m pleased with my surprise, and I think Erin is too, even though she will never admit it.

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