Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Young Are You?

My sister is 8 1/2 years younger than I am.  I have always had a pretty good grasp on our age difference, but sometimes, I get blindsided.

The perfect example occurred a few weeks ago, when the talk of Erin's 16th birthday came up.  We knew she wouldn't be having a big Sweet 16 party, but my mind jumped to the next milestone: 21!  I said, "you could have an awesome 21st birthday party, just like me!"

.... Three seconds later...

"Oh my gosh!  The year you turn 21, I will turn 30!  Ahhh!"

...my mom chimed in...

"Oh, how fun!  Then, you can bring your kids to Aunt Erin's 21st birthday party!"


The most recent example was only a few days ago.  While walking to pick Erin up from ballet I passed yet another Starbucks.  In my mind, I thought about how shocking it was to see so many people using their computers in the coffee shop, considering you pay for wifi there!  The next Starbucks I walked past, I had the same thought.  But, I glanced at the door, and saw a sign advertising free wifi!  Free wifi?!  At Starbucks?!  You're kidding me.

I met Erin at Alvin Ailey and immediately asked, "how long has the wifi at Starbucks been free?"  I knew she would know the answer, and I knew that my absence abroad would explain my shock.  Instead she said, "Uhhhmmm, for-eh-ver." (In a snobby teenager voice)


Is Erin really so young that she doesn't remember when you had to pay for wifi at Starbucks?

So, I asked Maddie, her 19- year- old best friend.  Her response: "Hmmmm.... forever?"


No!  No!  No!  Girls, you are wrong.

When I was in school, my friends and I chose study locations based on the price of wifi.  For example, if we needed to focus, read, write, etcetera, without any distractions, we went to Starbucks.  Because no one in their right mind would pay for wifi.  However, if we simply needed to get off campus, and could spare the wasted time online, we went to Panera, or any other coffee shop for that matter, where wifi was free!

No, girls.  You are babies.  Starbucks has not had free wifi for-eh-ver.  They have only had free wifi since July 2010.  Booyah.  And, now I feel old.

1 comment:

  1. So...we could have gone to Starbucks in San Juan?!
