Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I’m my sister’s keeper

I mentioned this briefly in my 25 by 25 update, but big news in the Dooley household: I am moving to New York City!  
The day before I flew into the States, Erin had a dance audition at Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in the heart of Manhattan.  It seemed to me that the audition was just so Erin could keep her auditioning “edge,” but it was more than that.  Next thing we knew, Erin was accepted, I offered to move to the city with her, and we found an apartment.  
So, officially, on January 18, Erin and I will be moving to the Lower East Side of Manhattan.  We have a fully furnished one bedroom apartment with a view overlooking the Williamsburg bridge, so we have been told.  Aunt Patty has major connections, and got us an amazing place, that was too good to turn down.  Unfortunately, however, the building turned down Wilbur.  So, he stays behind in Saratoga.
Yes, I cried when we found out Wilbur couldn’t come.  But, as Garvey put it, for a while I would cry if someone poked me.  Garvey tested his “poking theory” a few times, and he was nearly 100% accurate.  I cried nearly every time he poked me.  But, I think I have moved out of the crying phase of moving back from Thailand.  I think.  Garvey was out of town for the last week, so there wasn’t any poking.  
Even though my mother sent out a mass email and cry for help with apartment hunting, it took less than 24 hours to commit to one.  And as Uncle John blatantly pointed out in an email to my mom, the apartment we have is nowhere near where we were looking.  Ideally we wanted a place close to Erin’s dance studio, but alas, we are over four miles, and at least two subway lines away from it.  It just forces us to learn more of the city, right?

Now that our apartment and move-in date are set, I have a plan.  Well, sort of.  I know where I will be living, so I feel as though that is a start.  Many of my friends have been asking me what I will do next.  I excitedly answer, “oh, me?  I’m moving to they city on the 18th.”  I play it off as though I am awesome, and I have something lined up.  Then comes the, “oh, wow!  What are you going to do there?”  I hesitate, explain that my sister is the impressive one, and I’m just going along for the ride.  I am my sister’s keeper.  (But not in the creepy Jodi Picoult book way)
Beyond that, the city is my oyster.  While the bakery is still my dream, I need a job.  Any job will do.  Preferably one that will pay me, but, hey, beggars can’t be choosers.  I’m also still thinking about taking a few classes.  And, enrolling in classes, can’t I get a free fitness center membership?  I can get smart and get skinny- works for me!  And then there are the men.  Obviously, picking up the cuties with puppies at the dog park is out of the question, so I’ll need a new strategy... and I’m still working on that.

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