Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

I am an emotional wreck.
On Friday, the 18th of November I moved out of my house and into a small apartment close to Paul’s house, where most of my stuff is being stored or donated to. - worst of times  
On Saturday, Jordan had a birthday party at his new bar on the lake.  Nearly all of my foreign friends were there, and a few of my Thai friends as well. - best of times
On Sunday, two of my very good friends and coworkers from Anuban Khon Kaen were married in a traditional Thai ceremony. - best of times
After the wedding, I had to say goodbye to my friends. - worst of times
Sunday evening Kar’s mom made dinner for me as a celebration of one of my last nights in Thailand. - best of times
After the party I said goodbye to Manao.  - worst of times
Monday morning I flew to New Zealand.  - best of times
I arrived in New Zealand somewhat of a mess.  I barely slept on the flight from Bangkok, even though I had an entire row of three seats to myself.  I am usually the person on a flight that is sound asleep before the safety demonstration begins.  I then have to call the flight attendants to ask for food or drinks because I have slept through the service.  Yes, I am that girl.  But, not on this trip.  Instead, my mind was racing.  I couldn’t focus on the wonderful selection of movies or music.  I couldn’t focus long enough to read my book or play Scrabble on my Kindle.
I was thinking about all of my stuff.  Would it all fit into my two bags?  Would it all fit into my two bags after I purchase things in New Zealand?  Would I have to pay a fee for my larger bag?  How much would the fee cost?  Maybe I could transfer some of my books from the checked bag into the carry on bag.  How will I be able to carry all of these bags to the check in counter?  
I was thinking about my life in Thailand.  Would the owner of the house try to contact me while I was away?  Would he find any problems with the house?  Was there a miscommunication with the internet company?  Did the company cancel my service?  Would my friend have the money to pay me for my bike when I returned?  If not, would I have time to sell it to a dealership?  Should I take the bus to the airport or a flight to the airport before flying back to the States?
I was thinking about my friends in Thailand.  Would I really be able to come back and visit often?  Will I keep in touch with them as much as I hope to?  Will they always welcome me back?  Will they continue to write on my facebook wall and try to contact me?  Will Paul ever move back to the States?
I was thinking about my life in the States.  What will I do for work?  Should I have started applying for positions already?  Am I even a desirable employee?  Will anyone want to hire me?  And what about a car and an apartment?  How will I be able to afford either if I cannot get a job?  Will I be forced to be a waitress?  But gosh, I am excited to go home.  Wedding, Christmas, New Year’s, Garvey Christmas, family cruise, wedding, so many things to look forward to!  Who is going to hire me if I am going to immediately have to take a week off?  Will I not be able to work until the end of January?  
I was thinking about my trip to New Zealand.  I haven’t planned anything!  Where will I even go?  Did I exchange enough money?  Did I pack enough warm clothes?  Well, that doesn’t matter, I don’t own warm clothes!  Am I going to freeze?  Am I going to be a burden at Jenny and Michael’s house?  Where will I go?  How will I go?  When will I go?  Darn...  I should have taken at least a little bit of time to plan this trip.
And, that wasn’t even the half of it.  Can you see why I didn’t sleep?  I was beside myself.
I arrived in New Zealand, and I let out a huge sigh of relief.  All of the traveling, thinking, and not sleeping had been exhausting.
Seeing Michael and Aidan just on the other side of immigration and customs was an even bigger relief.  I cannot remember the last time someone picked me up from the airport.  Oh, wait.  Yes, John and Jane picked me up from JFK in July.  But, there have been more than a few airports since then.
Arriving in Paekakariki was best of all.  I walked into a beautiful home sitting atop a small hill, overlooking the beach.  
Naomi and Jennifer arrived home within a few hours, and we ate a delicious family dinner.  The discussion around the dinner table was very normal family chat- what was on the schedule for the next few days, tests in school, and weekend plans.  For a moment I forgot all of my stresses.
Over the next week I relaxed.  With a view like this, wouldn’t you just want to relax as well?

I walked the dogs along the beach, enjoyed family dinners and explored Wellington.  I also blogged.  Have you noticed?

The dogs napped after our walks, and I blogged away.

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