Sunday, December 11, 2011

It’s smelly. I must be in the right place.

My final stop on my little getaway was to Rotorua.  Rotorua is known for its strong Maori culture and its strong scent of sulphur.
Jennifer emailed a friend from the Department of Conservation to ask for suggestions for my time there.  Nicki was kind enough to not only offer me suggestions, but a place to stay!  She told me I was more than welcome to stay at her house as long as I didn’t mind three noisy children.  Clearly she doesn't know me very well, because noisy children will almost never be a problem!
When I arrived in the town I put my backpack in a locker and wandered around.  I walked along the lake, getting whiffs of stinky Rotorua as the breezes came and went.

I also walked through Kuirau Park which most recently had an eruption in 2003.  Now, the pathways bubble, the water is warm, and there are plenty of warnings!

After I shopped around the town, and found presents for my mom and Erin, I called Caleb, Nicki’s oldest son, to pick me up.  He brought me to their home just as the three kids were sprinting in the door after school.
Manahi, Hinetaapora and Pokaihau are all still in primary school, and an absolute riot!  Hinetaapora, the daughter, is the Milky Bar kid!  She won a nationwide contest last year and became the first female Milky Bar kid.  When I told her that I had never had a Milky Bar she seemed confused.  And she said, “oh, well I don’t think we have any right now.  But, I can tell my dad to call Milky Bar!  They will send us more!”  Unfortunately, I was still on the two day schedule, and the shipment would not arrive in time.

Hinetaapora was quite thrilled to have a girl to play with in her family full of boys.  We jumped on the trampoline, drew pictures, played games and talked about Justin Beiber.  He is soooo handsome!
The next day Caleb and I walked to the museum.  Caleb, who is very passionate about his Maori heritage, was kind enough to walk me through the museum.  He explained certain stories, tales and histories in more depth, and told me which were his favorite.  Caleb graduated from high school last year, spent a few months in Australia, and is currently enjoying his time back with his family.  He was a wonderful tour guide!

The Rotorua Museum.
Later that evening Caleb had practice for his haka competition, and he invited me along.  I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that, so I gladly went with him.  Over the next two hours I watched as the men and women practiced for the regional competition in February.  It was amazing!

Unfortunately, the video I took of the haka practice isn't loading.  So here is a video of one of the more famous haka performances, The All Blacks performing at the Rugby World Championships against France this year.

I stayed with a family where all four children are fluent in Maori (and the parents are learning), the daughter is the Milky Bar kid, and watched and intense haka practice.  If that isn’t an awesome trip to Rotorua, I don’t know what would be!  Once again, another two days well spent.

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